Wednesday Sep 27, 2023
September 27th, 2023: Bottom Line Big 5, Play of the Day, Kailey’s Daily’s, Take vs Take, Question of the Day
Clint Scott, Chris Snead and Jamie Lent discuss which Big 12 quarterbacks will lead in passing for this upcoming week in today's edition of The Bottom Line Big 5. Ben's Play of the Day brings you a throwback to the Florida Gators 2008 loss to Ole Miss leading to Tim Tebow's iconic "The Promise." Snead brings you a snake take today in Kailey's Daily's before a winner is declared for the contest. Clint and Jamie go head-to-head in Take vs Take, answering the questions on the funniest moments from their childhood, which dynasty they would erase from history, and what sports personality would make the best movie superhero. Clint also brings you a Texas Tech 2023 football schedule Question of the Day, and if there's still hope for the season to make a bowl game.