Monday Oct 30, 2023
October 30th, 2023: College Football, NFL, World Series, Fashion flaws, Take vs Take, Question of the Day, Chatline
Clint Scott, Matt Estenson and Jamie Lent take a look around the Big 12 in college football, the NFL, and game 3 of the world series. Laughs are shared as the guys spout off what bothers them nowadays from a fashion standpoint. A Halloween edition of Take vs Take includes the questions 1. What Big 12 coach's biggest fear would be waiting for them at the final level of a haunted house? 2. What Ramar personality would have the best costume? 3. If Halloween had an Easter Bunny-esque mascot what would it be? Clint's Question of the Day asks who will be in the Big 12 Championship? as Kansas State is the heavy favorite along with Texas, Oklahoma, and Oklahoma State.