Wednesday Oct 25, 2023
October 25th, 2023: Bottom Line Big 5, MLB, World Series, Play of the Day, Kailey’s Daily’s, Take vs Take, Tell Me I’m Wrong
Clint Scott, Chris Snead and Jamie Lent run down the Big 12 teams with the highest total yards in today's edition of the Bottom Line Big 5. Snead picks Oklahoma, Texas, Kansas State, Houston, and UCF. Clint picks Texas, Kansas State, Kansas, Oklahoma State, and Oklahoma. A little trash talk transpires as the guys get some laughs in as to why the Arizona Diamondbacks mascot is not a snake. Today's triple Play of the Day highlights the Final Four showdown against Michigan State as Texas Tech Men's Basketball nears its season start. In Kailey's Daily's, Snead asks "What do you carry with you when trick-or-treating?" Spoiler alert, a glow-stick. Snead brings you info on South America's Polka-dot Tree Frog aka the "Glow in the Dark Frog." The guys go head to head in Take vs Take featuring the questions 1.What is the most overrated candy? 2. What coach in any sport would make a great serial killer? 3. A three-player NFL mock draft. Jamie issues the statement, "This is the worst showing from Texas Tech Football we've seen in at least the past decade." Is he right? wrong? or crazy?