Wednesday Oct 18, 2023
October 18th, 2023: Bottom Line Big 5, NFL, Rangers, Kailey’s Daily’s, Take vs Take, Tell Me I’m Wrong
Clint Scott, Chris Snead and Jamie Lent have another NFL edition of the Bottom Line Big 5 reassessing the top 5 road winners going into week 7. Snead picks the Jaguars, Browns, Raiders, Packers and Commanders. Clint picks Bills, 49ers, Jaguars, Dolphins and Packers. In Kailey's Daily's, there is disgust regarding the goose and past goose experiences. The guys go head-to-head in Take vs Take featuring the questions 1. The one time where you got the biggest slap to the face, 2. What U.S. city that has not hosted the Olympic Games, would make the best site for a future Olympics (summer or winter), and 3. Name an actor who you think would make an interesting sports personality. Jamie is either right, wrong, or crazy for Rangers fans to have a 10/10 confidence to advance to the World Series after today's game 3 in the ALCS. The guys also answer your comments on the chatline.