Wednesday Nov 29, 2023
November 29th, 2023: Bottom Line Big 5 Review, Conference Championship Week, Play of the Day, Kailey’s Daily’s, Jamie’s Unofficial Question of the Day, Take vs Take, Chatline.
Clint Scott, Chris Snead, and Jamie Lent review Bottom Line Big 5 College Football picks from the start of the season predicting who would make it to the conference championships. Now, they find out who they got right and wrong as conference championship week is here. The Play of the Day highlights Russell Westbrook's turnaround game winner against Golden State 10 years ago today. In Kailey's Daily's, the Equatorial Spitting Cobra takes center stage and Kailey leaves a cliffhanger for next time. Jamie asks an unofficial Question of the Day, What is the 1 sport to fall asleep to? Spoiler alert, Nascar. The guys crack Nascar jokes and share interesting thoughts and experiences. Today's Take vs Take questions are 1. What position would make the greatest weapon punter or kicker? 2. How would you call the Rangers winning the World Series? 3. Start, Bench, Cut, featuring Jeff Foxworthy, Bill Engvall, and Ron White. Clint has a "bugle place" now? You be the judge. The guys also answer your comments on the chatline.