Friday Nov 15, 2024
November 15th, 2024: Dallas Cowboys, Question of the Day, Big 12 and ACC Super League, Texas Tech Baseball, Take vs Take
Chois Woodman, Josh Faupel, and Jamie Lent touch on a comment made from Jerry Jones from an interview asking if he would consider Jason Witton as the next head coach of the Dallas Cowboys. Chois' Question of the Day asks what is your top 3 Big 12 matchups the rest of the football season? There's an article from Dennis Dodd touching on executives from the Big 12 and ACC possibly forming a super league. The guys share a few baseball name jokes looking at the current Texas Tech roster so far. The fastest growing gameshow in the world returns with questions from Jamie in light of the fight tonight 1. What is the dumbest sport ever 2. Who would you wanna see face Mike Tyson? 3. All padded up, which Ramar personalities would make the most interesting fight?