Wednesday Nov 13, 2024
November 13th, 2024: Texas Tech 8-4 Record Thoughts, Pop Quiz, Question of the Day, Dad Jokes, Heaviest Yankees, Tell Me I'm Wrong
Chois Woodman, Chris Snead, and Jamie Lent discuss how a possible 8-4 season for Texas Tech feels for the fans. Snead gives Chois a pop quiz with all the colleges with a Wildcat as the mascot. Jamie gave us his question of the day about the 11 non-conference games and how many Texas Tech will win. While Chois gives us his Dad Jokes, and a pop quiz for Jamie of the heaviest New York Yankees. Lastly, Chois says this is a better basketball team for Tech, but will finish lower in the Big 12. Is he right or wrong? We tell him in the Tell Me I'm Wrong segment.