Friday May 24, 2024
May 24th, 2024: Charles Barkley, NBA, Kailey's Daily's, Take vs Take, Top List, Tell Me I'm Wrong
Clint Scott, Matt Estenson and Josh Faupel share some laughs as Clint found a Charles Barkley name slip from his twitter feed. Today in Kailey's Daily's Kailey ponders after Tech Baseball on the rarest cow species in the world aka the American Milking Devon Cow which is superior to the Longhorn. Take vs Take is back again with questions from Clint asking 1. 3 round cereal draft, 2. What is it you impulse buy when shopping? 3. Who is the best QB in the NFC? Clint presents a top list pertaining to people claiming they enjoy doing something, but in reality they do not. Josh's Tell Me I'm Wrong statement claims more coaching vacancies will be retirements due to the disagreement about NIL and the transfer portal.