Monday Jul 01, 2024
July 1st, 2024: Adidas Era Day 1, Football Uniforms Unveiled, Fan Traditions, Kailey's Daily's, Bally Failure, Chatline
Chois Woodman, Chris Snead, and Jamie Lent celebrate Adidas day for Texas Tech athletics as the deal is official and the football program has unveiled their uniforms for the 1st season in the triple stripes. The guys share their reactions to the new taste of Red Raider football and answer your reactions from the chatline. Snead asks what old football tradition should the fans bring back. In Kailey's Daily's Snead brings in the idea for Bird Monday and taking center stage is the Buff Belly Hummingbird with facts from the "Official Official." The guys briefly touch on the Olympic trials wrapping up over the weekend with a couple Red Raiders punching their ticket to Paris. Chois and Jamie proceed to throw the hammer down on Bally and how they're continuing to destroy baseball. Jamie shares his reactions to the new look Red Raiders day 1 into the Adidas era.