Thursday Dec 14, 2023
December 14th, 2023: Texas Tech Football, Independence Bowl, College Bowl Games Across the Nation, Red Raider Basketball, Play of the Day, Kailey’s Daily’s, NBA, Take vs Take
Clint Scott, Chris Snead, and Matt Estenson look forward to the Independence Bowl as the 48-hour mark is here. The guys give their takes on bowl games as far as what they think the NCAA got right and wrong, sit-outs and transfers, new coaches/coordinators, the magnitude of the game on both the low end and College Football Playoffs. Clint and Snead share some Christmas Caroling takes such as their hypothetical reactions if carolers were outside their doors, what they like, dislike, favorite songs and more. The Play of the Day highlights Red Raider Basketball's victory over Oral Roberts with the alley oop and 1 from Isaacs to Washington. Kailey says "Swifties of the world unite" for her birthday yesterday as the (similar sounding to her name) Tailless Whip Scorpion takes center stage for Kailey's Daily's with facts from Snead. With Matty Ice in the building, there is NBA talk from the Giannis scuffle to Draymond Green's latest ejection with the flagrant foul 2 punch to the jaw of Jusef Nurkic. The guys go head-to-head in the fastest growing gameshow in the world Take vs Take with the questions 1. What is your "Jingle All the Way" gift and method to get it when stores everywhere don't have it and everybody wants it? 2. Start/Bench/Cut White Elephant, Mitten unwrapping, Caroling. 3. Player(s) entering the transfer portal or declaring for the NFL draft must play in the bowl game, or coach(s) must coach in the bowl game before moving on to their next job?